Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Tea Review: Quilan Oolong (White Lion Tea)

Advent Tea Calendar Day 17

Quilan Oolong
White Lion Tea
Type:  Oolong
Origin:  Not Provided.
Product Description:  Quilan Oolong Organic Tea is a traditional oolong with a full, round, satisfying finish that connoisseurs will surely appreciate.

Temperature: 195° F
Amount: 3 grams
Steeping Time: 3 minutes

The dry leaves have an aroma of fire roasted vegetables.

The orange-amber infusion has an aroma of fire roasted vegetables with faint floral notes.  The taste is also similar to fire roasted vegetables with a hint of caramelized sugar and a long finish.

This tea provided a pleasantly full-bodied aroma and flavor throughout three steepings.

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