Friday, March 6, 2020

Tea Review: Makinohara Fukamushi (Yunomi/Seiko Tea)

Makinohara Fukamushi
Seiko Tea/Yunomi
Type: Green
Origin: Japan, Shizuoka Prefecture, Makinohara
Product Description:
The Makinohara region in Shizuoka is one of the biggest producers of tea in Japan, and one of the regions that made the deep green tea of fukamushicha popular. 
The Makinohara farmers' cooperative has created a panel to rate the quality of tea from this region based on flavor, aroma and appearance, and have rated this tea the highest 3-star Nozomi level (nozomi 望 means "hope"). 
In addition to the above qualitative appraisal, the tea must also meet a standard of total nitrogen content (which includes compounds such as free amino acids, caffeine, protein, etc). Analysis is conducted via near infrared spectroscopy.
Temperature: 160° F
Amount: 3 grams
Steeping Time: 1-2 minutes

The dry leaf aroma is savory with notes of nori and nuts.

The opaque mossy green infusion has a lightly sweet and savory aroma, green and nutty with a fresh green taste, a hint of umami, and almost no astringency.

Steeping the first infusion for 2 minutes brought out the most flavorful results, a 1 minute second infusion produced a pleasant sweetness (amami) with a long and delicious sweet green finish. The results of a 2 minute third infusion reminded me a bit of traditional matcha candy.

This tea was provided as a free sample without guarantee of a review.

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