Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Tea Review: Keemun (Phoenix Tea)

Keemun (Qimen)
Phoenix Tea
Type: Black
Origin: China, Anhui Province
Product Description:
Keemun (Qimen / 祁門) is a county in China's Anhui province. It is known as the original home of the world famous Keemun hongcha (literally "red tea"--known in the West as black tea).

This is our basic Keemun. Brew with boiling water, steep for at least one minute, and enjoy a rich, satisfying cup of tea with the barest hint of smokiness.
Temperature: 208° F
Amount: 3 grams
Steeping Time: 3 minutes

The dry leaves have an aroma of sweet oats and fragrant wood.

The aroma of the dark red infusion is sweet with notes of dark bread and baked fruit.  The taste is rich with notes of sweet grains, dark bread, and a hint of plum.

The full flavor is in the first two infusions, with the third becoming lighter and sweeter.  Something in the finish reminded me of molasses cookies or a marinated dish.   Not coincidentally, this tea left me with a craving for a hearty meal and would stand up nicely as an accompaniment to that meal.

This tea was purchased by me.

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