Monday, August 2, 2021

Tea Review: Green Mango (TeaSource)

Green Mango
Type: Flavored Green
Origin: Not Provided
Product Description: 
Sweet, smooth, and summery. Wonderful as a hot tea and incredible iced.  
Temperature: 175° F
Amount: 3 grams
Steeping Time: 3 minutes

The dry leaves are a blend of green tea, calendula, and natural flavor.

The golden green infusion is sweet and lightly tart in flavor and aroma with distinct mango notes throughout.

This blend is refreshing, delivering on the promise of its name, and mellowing slightly by the third infusion.  I also prepared this blend as a cold brew, steeping it overnight in the refrigerator, with great results.  

This tea was provided as a free sample without guarantee of a review.

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