Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Tea Review: Monk's Blend (Metropolitan Tea Company)

Monk's Blend
Metropolitan Tea Company
Type:  Flavored Black
Origin:  Sri Lanka, Nuwara Eliya/Dimbulla/Uva
Product Description:  One of our most flavorful teas. The dramatic combination of vanilla and grenadine ensures a particularly satisfying cup. Natural flavors do not leave an aftertaste giving the tea a clean and true character. It should be noted that natural flavors tend to be somewhat ‘soft ‘ and the flavors slightly muted, but for many this is a refreshing change and one of the desired attributes of our naturally flavored teas.

Temperature: 208° F
Amount: 3 grams
Steeping Time: 3 minutes

The dry leaves have an aroma of cherries and vanilla.

The coppery red infusion has an aroma and taste of cherries and vanilla.

This flavored tea held up well through multiple steepings and the aroma reminded me of baked cherry pie by the second and third infusions.  The vanilla flavor seemed to wash off after the first infusion, leaving just the cherry flavor of the grenadine.

This was tea was provided as part of a workshop.

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