Monday, June 24, 2013

Tea Review: High Mountain Green Tea (Tea Lady)

High Mountain Green Tea
Tea Lady (closed for business)
Type:  Green
Origin:  Not Provided
Product Description:  A rich green tea with a smooth aftertaste. Certified Organic.

Temperature: 175° F
Amount: 3 grams
Steeping Time: 2 minutes

The dry leaf aroma is spicy, with oat and fruity apricot notes.

The infusion has  a light golden color with a sweet, green, toasty aroma.  The taste is toasty green with a refreshing green finish.

I've been enjoying this tea throughout the day and have been getting two full-flavored infusions followed by a third, milder infusion.  Steeping at 2 minutes brings out the full flavor and aroma with very little astringency.

This tea was purchased by me.

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