Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Tea Review: Rooibos Cream Caramel (TeaGschwendner)

Rooibos Cream Caramel
Type: Flavored Herbal
Origin: South Africa
Product Description: This decadent dessert comes guilt free. An overwhelming favorite at the teashop and on cozy couches everywhere. Let us lead you into temptation.

Temperature: 208° F
Amount: 3 grams
Steeping Time: 3 minutes

The dry leaves have a rich aroma of caramel corn, vanilla, and the signature aroma of rooibos.

The bright red infusion has an aroma of caramel, rooibos, and vanilla with a mellow and sweet taste of caramel and a long finish.

For small 6-8 ounce servings, this produced a decadent dessert-like flavor and aroma through 2 steepings.  Prepared in something larger, the first infusion will have the best results.  I was reminded distinctly of the homemade sticky caramel corn my family would enjoy on rare occasions when I was younger.

This tea was received as a gift from a third party.

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