Monday, September 26, 2022

Tea Review: BP1 (Rwanda Mountain Tea)

BP1 Black Tea
Rwanda Mountain Tea/Gatare Tea Company
Type: Black (CTC)
Origin: Rwanda, Gatare
Product Description: Not provided.

Temperature: 208° F
Amount: 3 grams
Steeping Time: 2-3 minutes

The dry leaves have notes of fruit and wood.

The dark red infusion has sweet notes of baked fruit and malt.  The taste is fruity and bold with moderate astringency and a dry nutty finish.

I've had this sample for a few years and am pleasantly surprised by how bold the results were with the first two steepings producing the best flavor.  It also held up well with a splash of milk.  While I rarely drink CTC teas at home, I would look forward to seeing this on a tea menu.  

This tea was provided as a free sample without guarantee of a review.

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