Mad Hat Tea Company
Type: Flavored Herbal
Origin: Not Provided
Product Description: Just like the old Reeses (trademark used without permission) commercial but in this case it wasn’t peanut butter and chocolate it was Vanilla Honeybush and Orange Rooibos. We were making huge batches of both for a festival here in Tacoma when the Teas got mixed up because two cooks…well in this case two cooks after a few glasses of…, we did not spoil anything. This is our best selling Botanical Blend with good reason. We have seen a number of copycats since our fortuitous event, ours is the original, we think.
Temperature: 208° F
Amount: 3 grams
Steeping Time: 3 minutes
Amount: 3 grams
Steeping Time: 3 minutes
The dry leaves have an aroma of oranges and vanilla cream.
The bright orange-red infusion has a distinct orange and vanilla cream aroma and taste and a long finish.
This is as close to drinking orange creamsicle ice cream as you can get without making a milkshake of the original treat. It works well as a hot or iced beverage and the dry blend could even be used as a delicious creamsicle air freshener.
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